

Excuses! Excuses!

Nearly everyone at one time or another has made an excuse for something.  It is interesting how the word ‘excuse’ had developed over the years in the English language.  The word originally meant to give defense or reason for something.  However as time has gone on the word has come to mean an unjustified or false reason for something, a false reason to cover up the real reason.

Some today make excuses for not doing the will of God. Will your excuses be good enough for God in the final Day of Judgment?  Will you hear the words “depart from me…”  Mt.25:41. 

Christians often make excuses for not attending the services of the Church as they should.  That’s not to say that all reasons for missing services are bad excuses.  We sometimes miss due to reasons beyond our control.

Excuses have been used since the beginning of time.  Adam and Eve gave God excuses for what they did in the very beginning, Gen.3:9-13.  They gave many excuses for why they did what God had told them not to do.  Blaming others for their disobedience.

We have all heard the excuses. To name a few: I just didn’t feel well, I was busy with family, I’m too old and feeble, children and company keep me away, the services are not interesting, I’m not getting anything out of it, the weather is too bad, there are too many hypocrites there.

Are we saying to the Lord, I will serve you if nothing gets in my way?  Do we really think God will accept these excuses?  We all know in our hearts whether or not he will accept our excuses.  All unbelievers are without excuses before God, Rom 1:20.  In 2 Cor. 5:10 we are told that all will appear before the judgment seat of Christ and answer for things done in the body whether good or bad.  What excuses will we give for the things we do?